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Below is a list of post-release service announcements.

📌 PSA 03/10/22

PSA: We’ve updated our package nitrux-repositories-config to avoid an issue during updates. To update, do the following.

pkcon refresh && pkcon get-updates 
pkcon install nitrux-repositories-config
pkcon update

# If needed ->
pkcon repair

📌 PSA 27/10/22

PSA: We’ve updated our package: nitrux-repositories-config, which updates the Neon repository. To update, do the following.

pkcon refresh && pkcon get-updates 
pkcon install nitrux-repositories-config
pkcon update

# If needed ->
pkcon repair

📌 PSA 27/10/22

PSA: We’ve updated our package: nx-desktop-appimages-legacy, which updates Firefox. To update, do the following.

pkcon refresh && pkcon get-updates 
pkcon install nx-desktop-appimages-legacy

📌 PSA 31/10/22

PSA: We’ve updated our package nitrux-repositories-config to avoid an issue with a package update. To update, do the following.

pkcon refresh
pkcon update
pkcon remove libappimage1.0
pkcon install nx-desktop-legacy