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Below is a list of post-release service announcements.

📌 PSA 04/05/22

PSA: Plasma 5.24.5 is available as an upgrade. To update, run the following commands.

pkcon refresh && pkcon update && pkcon repair

📌 PSA 06/05/22

PSA: We have updated the package: touchegg-kde to fix the touchpad gestures. To update, do the following.

pkcon refresh && pkcon update
sed -i 's+Parachute+Overview+g' .config/touchegg/touchegg.conf

📌 PSA 15/05/22

PSA: We’ve updated the Maui Apps and the NX Software Center to version 2.1.2 and their configuration files and settings. To update, do the following.

pkcon refresh && pkcon update
rm -r ~/.config/{Maui,Nitrux} && cp -r /etc/skel/.config/{Maui,Nitrux} .config/
cp -r /etc/skel/.config/latte/nx-* ~/.config/latte/

You will also find a new application, Bonsai.

  • Bonsai is a Git repository manager built with MauiKit, similar to the GitHub Desktop client.

📌 PSA 18/05/22

PSA: We’ve updated the following packages.

  • nitrux-hardware-drivers-legacy
  • linux-firmware
  • nvidia-x11-config
  • nitrux-repositories-config
  • nx-desktop-appimages-legacy

To update, do the following.

pkcon refresh && pkcon get-updates
pkcon install linux-firmware
pkcon install nitrux-repositories-config nx-desktop-appimages-legacy
pkcon repair