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Below is a list of post-release service announcements.

📌 PSA 06/06/24

PSA: We’ve been following the reports of some users about network connectivity issues with the DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf. While we deploy a solution for the next release, please run the following command to change the DNS servers when using the Live session and successfully install the distribution.

  • 🔰 Information: The command below will use Cloudflare’s DNS server, you can use other external DNS servers. However, if you prefer not to use an external DNS server continue reading.
sudo sed -i 's/^nameserver$/nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf

After installing the distribution, do the following to replace it in the installed system.

  • 🔰 Information: The command below will use Cloudflare’s DNS server, you can use other external DNS servers. However, if you prefer not to use an external DNS server continue reading.
sudo overlayroot-chroot

sed -i 's/^nameserver$/nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf



sudo reboot

Alternatively, if you prefer not to use an external DNS server, run the following command on the Live session.

  • 🔰 Information: The command below will use your router (gateway) address as the DNS server.
sudo dhcpcd

And subsequently, after installing the distribution, use the same command.

  • 🔰 Information: The command below will use your router (gateway) address as the DNS server.
sudo overlayroot-chroot 




sudo reboot

📌 PSA 01/06/24

PSA: We’re uploading a new ISO image due to the previous file including an outdated version of the Nitrux Update Tool System.

If you’ve installed the distribution using the previous ISO file run the following commands.

sudo overlayroot-chroot

mount -t devtmpfs dev /dev

find /usr/bin -type f -name "nuts" -exec rm {} \; && axel -o /usr/bin -c -n 10 "" && chmod +x /usr/bin/nuts

umount /dev



sudo reboot

After rebooting, use the Nitrux Update Tool System commands as usual.

Additionally, to fix a problem caused by powerlevel10k that would prevent GPG from working, run the following command.

{ echo "# Prevent a problem with p10k redirecting stdin to /dev/null that causes GPG to not ask for the passphrase for a key."; echo "export GPG_TTY=\$TTY"; echo ""; cat ~/.zshrc; } > ~/.zshrc.tmp && mv ~/.zshrc.tmp ~/.zshrc

Then reload the ZSH configuration file, to do this run the following command.

source ~/.zshrc

Alternatively, log out and log in.