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Today is the day! — Nitrux 2.2.1 is available to download

We are pleased to announce the launch of Nitrux 2.2.1. This new version brings together the latest software updates, bug fixes, performance improvements, and ready-to-use hardware support.

Nitrux 2.2.1 is available for immediate download.

📜 Table of Contents

  1. What’s new
  2. Download
  3. Known issues
  4. Notes
  5. Report bugs
  6. Changelog history
  7. Resources
  8. PSA

✨ What’s new

We recommend performing a fresh installation using the latest available media for new distribution users. For users of the previous version (2.2.0), please check the Notes.

The 5.18.6 XanMod kernel is now the default in the distribution.

We’ve updated the following components of the distribution. For other information, see Notes.

We’ve fixed or closed the following issues in the distribution; see Report bugs.

We’ve removed the following components from the distribution.

We’ve updated the minimal ISO to the same base as the main release.

📥 Download

Here are various ways to download our ISOs and virtual appliances.

Checksums (MD5).

c00eda2f830e612b2ce7764fd93b6e32 nitrux-nx-desktop-20220630-amd64.iso
586d749fce0b865d56f5cc9a00d9560b nitrux-minimal-jwm-20220630-amd64.iso
56ef405545af9feea3aae6542791b440 nitrux-nx-desktop-nvidia-latest-20220701-amd64.iso
1c192a741f6e72fac8e8452a9cc0b466 nitrux-nx-desktop-nvidia-legacy-20220701-amd64.iso

ISO build log (Travis CI).

Open the ISO file with a file archiver to see the build commit the information, and open the “.INFO” text file. When reporting bugs, please add this information to review the build log. All of our ISO files (past and present) contain this file.

  • Build logs.

⛔ Known issues

To see a list of known issues, click here.

🗒 Notes

To see a list of release notes, click here.

🐞 Report bugs

To report bugs, please use our bug tracker on GitHub.

📝 Changelog history

To see a list of previous changelogs, click here for the changelogs archived at our site, or click here for the changelogs archived at Sourceforge.

📰 Resources

Here are various articles, tutorials, and other information directly on our blog.

📌 Post-release announcements

Here’s a list of post-release service announcements for this version of Nitrux.